
Meet Metric


Credible data powers incredible insight into what works (and doesn’t) and how to create better events, experiences and content. The Metric by Smyle practice combines data with expert analysis, clear insights and actionable recommendations.

We have applied our methodology to hundreds of physical+digital events, experiences and content initiatives.

Our approach:

  • Identify what matters. Define clear performance and impact goals.
  • Develop a measurement strategy and toolset.
  • Capture credible data from a variety of sources, using time-tested techniques.
  • Optimise live. Act on real-time / near real-time Metric intel to optimise as needed.
  • Benchmark success. Compare results to pre-initiative and Smyle gathered averages.
  • Demonstrate impact. In clear and digestible reports.
  • Influence positive change. With key findings and helpful recommendations.

The Metric difference

Smyle by Metric captures an array of useful data in our analysis:

  • Performance data to understand how activities are performing, real-time
  • Impact data to understand results against business objectives
  • Emotion data to understand resonance with the target audience
  • Sustainability data to understand impact on the environment
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion data to understand impact on DEI goals

Special highlight: Return on Emotion

Chart the emotional journey of an audience using facial analysis, pulse rate sensors and other experimental technologies. We use emotional response data to calculate a Return on Emotion score for initiatives – the first industry metric of its kind.

As part of our commitment to raising the measurement bar, we’re reaching out across the events industry to promote and standardise best-practice, share knowledge and drive effectiveness, as founding members of the Experiential Marketing Measurement Coalition.
Dax Callner, Strategy Director at Smyle and Board President, Experiential Marketing Measurement Coalition