Aesthetic filler brand MaiLi by Sinclair Pharmaceuticals wanted to gain better traction with practitioners and patients. A fresh approach was required, focused on building an emotional connection with target audiences.

To start the campaign, Smyle and MaiLi commissioned an international survey of 10,000 women, and the resulting insights were clear: women constantly face judgement and society tries to take down powerful women. ‘My Power’ was created to disrupt that narrative and cast MaiLi as an authentic ally to women, promoting and celebrating their power (whether or not they choose to get fillers) and encouraging society to #SayNoToJudgement.

Smyle launched the content-driven ‘My Power’ campaign with an international multi-channel marketing activation covering social media, influencer marketing, digital paid media, events, PR, an updated brand website and an anthem campaign video produced by Dreamlike State. Influencer marketing brought the message’s authenticity to life through other powerful voices. The strategy was to encourage influencers to share their views on judgement and ‘My Power’ whilst including the global or local MaiLi handle in the description.

The three-phase marketing approach has finished Phase One (March – June 2023), with Phase Two moving customers from brand awareness into action against the societal judgement of women.

Key Takeaways:

  • 3.3 million users reached across the globe
  • 5.5 million Instagram impressions
  • 1 million + Youtube views of anthem video
  • 93% increase in Instagram profile visits
  • 1,047% increase in Facebook profile engagement

See also

Country House

The Lockhouse,
71 Mead Lane,
Hertford, SG13 7AX

Town House

Albert House,
256-260 Old St,
London, EC1V 9DD


Studio 105, SeeSaw,
86 Princess Street,
Manchester, M1 6NG


Suikersilo-Oost 22,
1165 MS Halfweg,